We are the members of the Cavendish Research Staff Committee (https://www.phy.cam.ac.uk/intranet/info/committees/committees-cam-only/researchstaffcommittee) within the Physics Department at the University of Cambridge. We strive to create events where constructive dialog regarding the ethical responsibilites of scientists can take place.

We host our events within the framework of active audience participation alongside panel discussions and conversations with leading experts in the field. Please see our Past Events menu for more information about our previous events, including photo and additional media from the event.

We also are looking forward to hosting future events, please visit our Upcoming Events menu for more details on what is on the horizon.

We want these events to be as inclusive as possible, and if you have any interest in the ethical conundrums that modern scientists face, consider coming to our next events.

Remember: there is no neutral position, and not considering the ethical questions that scientics face is a stance on ethics as well.

Feel free to contact us, or leave a comment below:

Email: cambridge.research.ethics@gmail.com
Youtube page: Cavendish Research Ethics

Join in on the conversation on Twitter #CavResearchEthics